Detail Past Event

Making transport more accessible and inclusive for all: new approaches and solutions, 18 June 2019 - Groningen (NL).

The event is organised in conjunction with the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans taking place on 17-18 June 2019 in Groningen.

You are welcomed to join us at 16:00 immediately after the SUMP conference! We’ll highlight how innovative solutions are being tested and validated through real-life experiments in the project’s pilots in Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and the UK. If you are a transport planner, a representative from a local authority, user associations or advocacy group this event will be of benefit to you and we would appreciate your feedback and input! The event will last 2 hours. The second hour includes drinks reception and provides opportunity for one-to-one discussions with the practitioners delivering the solutions you are most interested in.

The draft agenda is available here

Register on this link
Register for the European SUMP conference here. Both the conference and the Inclusion event are completely free of charge!

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Groningen!