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Two mobile Apps for elderly people and job seeking migrants in Flanders

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities for the Flanders pilot lab were cancelled.

The most important conclusion of the pilot labs was that both target groups –elderly people and job seeking migrants - weren’t ready to fully switch over to technological solutions. When a new technology is introduced to vulnerable groups, one must start from measuring the speed of life of the target group; identifying the current solution that they are already relying on, and inciting more engagement through a co-creation process.

With these conclusions in mind, Taxistop is also working on finding new collaborators to continue testing of the Mobitwin App and the Olympus Mobility App, based on all the lessons learned from the INCLUSION project. A possible sequel for the Mobitwin App could be collaboration with the City of Mechelen (Belgium) to provide an adjusted version of the App to elderly people with specific mobility needs. For the Olympus Mobility App, there is the potential to collaborate with the VDAB (the public employment service of Flanders) to present the App to a specific target group that is already eligible for their mobility discounts.